28th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading
The Reading Lab was very well-represented at the 2021 conference of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading (SSSR), with many of our members presenting a talk or a poster at the event. The SSSR conference took place July 12-16, 2021 and connected researchers from around the world in an online platform.
Victor Kuperman presented “Predictors of L2 reading proficiency in English: Evidence from the 11 language samples of the Multilingual Eye Movements Corpus (MECO)”.
Daniil Gnetov presented “Proficiency predicts efficiency: Evidence from eye-movements of L2 readers of English”.
Melda Coskun presented “No morphological priming during natural reading of long texts”.
Kaitlyn Battershill presented “Linguistic barriers to civic engagement”.
Heather Wild presented “Using canonical correlation to explore differences in the distribution of literacy and numeracy skills”.
Nadia Lana presented “Can good words go bad? Investigating the role of emotional linguistic contexts on novel word learning”.
Congratulations everyone on a very successful conference!